is my first time for teaching practice, actually all participants have teaching
on Monday, but for me start from Tuesday because I don’t have class on Monday. But
on Monday I have schedule to be teacher assistant for my friend.
my practice teaching in grade 9, our subject is about economi, and topic for
teaching today is about “unemployment” . Actually last night I already prepared every thing, lesson plan, assessment,
assignment, power point for presentation, video and picture for motivation, and
the importand is preparing my self.
(Grade 9)
started the lesson with greeting, praying, and checking attendance. Before
starting to the topic, I show about some types of work in the world, this I do
to attract the attention of students to be curious about the topic today.
I also show a video about unemployment. I divided the class for 4 groups, every
one group get one topic to discuss. After discussing each groups must present
it in front class.
also gave a question to do in 5 minutes.
All students follow the lesson well
until the end. I close the lesson by giving conclusions from the topic today.
that time I was evaluated by Mr. Justin as my supervisor. actually i have 3 supervisor, ma'am marry joy, Mr reynate mangsat, and Mr justin. but in this time Mr justin evaluated for grade 9, ma'am marry joy evaluated for grade 10, and Mr reynate Mangsat evaluated for grade 8.
Practice teaching is
done for two weeks. Its
start from January 30 until February 9.
I do my practice teaching well for two weeks in garde 8, garde 9, and grade 10. every night before I always prepare lesson plan to become my reference in teaching.
lesson plan that I use with formats from philippines. lesson plan is certainly different from the format of Indonesia.
(Grade 8)
(grade 10)